
Posted by CR3364N

fuck, she fucks me. i'm hurted.
magic's dying.... the love is leaving. HAHAHA, as if i know wtf is love... :'(
i just don't want she leaves me, but at a time, i don't think i could handle this.
maybe is time to say goodbye....
i just don't know, i just know that things are pretty different now
and now on will be different 4 ever...
time to say goodbye, again!!!
is it true that i cannot finish anything?? :S

This entry was posted on junio 03, 2004 at jueves, junio 03, 2004 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 espasmos mentales

-moriré respirando sangre-

04 junio, 2004 18:48

very interesting concept :P
&, by the way, do not worry about me...
i'm getting used to it, so, it's no big deal

04 junio, 2004 19:08

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