So assembled into empathy at the moment i met him
like a memory seeping through quintessence
strongly rooted/ not sure of how/ it just begun
[who knows but only you, that on lower frequencies, i speak within you?]
(i could laugh)
(i could kill)
(i could flutter)
(i could rebel)
(i could have been everything)
then, i started to miss...
it was helpless,
-& you had to speak to me, static, egocentric, selfish.
Trying to impress, to be more than what you already were for me-
& here, my insides are slowly suffocating the enterity that makes up me
i find her mind leaving
Emotion breeds tears of loss
even though they say it can only get better´
{i'm still waiting,}
i'm tired
This entry was posted
on julio 20, 2006
at jueves, julio 20, 2006
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